Motors & Inverters


tailored to requirement

The common element in Dot Robot vehicles, machines and robots is motion. Both a 2kW or 200kW application require a fitting electric powertrain and actuators in terms of efficiency, precision and electrical properties.

In the majority of solutions, the Dot Robot team selects and implements a 3rd party motor/inverter combination, either from a list of preferred suppliers per powerclass, or from specialized suppliers e.g. for medical-grade applications.

By exception, we may propose for us to build a custom motor or actuator if standard solutions do not suffice. An example is a custom 14″ in-wheel motor with integrated electromagnetic brakes that we developed, allowing 4-wheel drive and front+rear steering, while meeting strict width restrictions.

A total package​

We deliver a total package, making it fun and easy for our clients to work with us. We are pragmatic and quick to deliver. Below, you find the most important areas of expertise we employ:

Human Machine Interfacing
System Interfacing
Vehicle Control
Battery Control
Power Distribution
Motors & Inverters
Charging Systems
Autonomy Systems

Click the expertise icons to learn more, or contact us directly!


of some of our succes stories

OK, we proudly share our knowledge and stories, but we also back it up with evidence. View some of our motors and examples of our vehicles that use our motors and inverters below.


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